Monday, 23 July 2012

Dark Circles Under Eyes
Generally most of the people goes with a common problem is dark circles. Sometimes these circle look like the blank ink under the eyes. People all the time think that why dark circles appear under the eyes? In the early days it was a myth that dark circles only arrear at the old age. But practically the thing is not like that. Dark circles may appear at the teenage also dark circles under eyes.

Here we elaborately discuss the causes of dark circles under eyes. Why dark circles appear under the eyes? The reason of the marks varies man to man. Normally the most common reasons for dark circle under eyes are, 1) For some of the people the appearance of dark circle is heredity. Their inborn bone structure is responsible for the dark circle. If the some one have a deep-set structure of bone then that person will get over stress at time of blood circulation. Again for the thin skin layers around the eyes that vessels become dark and that comes out as the form of dark discoloration under the eyes  dark circles under eyes treatment.

2) Due to the lack of nutrients in human body this mark may come. Actually iron mineral, protein, carbohydrates and fats all are equal important for human body. So the is any deficiency of these in daily food may form the dark circles under eyes. 3) Third most important reason for the women is anemia. Anemia is a problem of blood secretion. If there is any deficiency of iron and minerals in the body then that person gets anemia and these deficiency shows under the eyes as a form of dark circles. In case of women the pregnancy and the menstruation problems are two responsible factors of dark circles. 4) Stress is most important factor for the dark circles. if there any tension in mental condition, the reflection of it comes on the eyes. Because skin around the eyes are most sensitive part of human body. 5) Dark circles form due to the deficiency of collagen. Basically after getting aged the secretion of collagen reduces in human body. This effect goes on the under eyes areas dark circles under eyes treatment. 6) Lastly there are numerous causes for the dark circle. Among them, some medicines have great side effect that may form the dark circles.
After this discussion everybody gets the answer of the question why dark circles appear under the eyes. These are basic cause of the dark circle under eyes dark circles under eyes.

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